I couldn’t be any happier with my purchase. I did call and speak with a very helpful young lady regarding drying time on the dark antiquing wax. She was extremely helpful and accommodating regarding my inquiries.
I’ve never used a product like this before and found it very easy to use and was very pleased with the results. I did not need chalk paint for this product, but would definitely give it a try in the future. One thing I really appreciated about your website was the double security measure. I really liked that extra step to make my purchase and use of your website more secure.
Thank you for your consideration of my time and efforts, as well as the financial investment made in your product. I found the prices combining items together to be a great choice to save money. I appreciated the written instructions that came with the product. The oil to clean the brushes was outstanding to use. The mint cleaner that I used to clean the product before starting was a very nice surprise. I would consider using it on a daily basis, I loved it so much.
I believe I’m done rambling about your website, products and so on. I originally found your products on Amazon and ended up going to your website to get some questions answered. After that, I investigated the pricing between the two sources. I was pleased that I used your website directly, instead of purchasing the products through Amazon. I do like Amazon and don’t have anything against them. I found everything I needed right on your website. I saw no reason to use Amazon for this purchase.
Thanks for the opportunity to give my opinions the chance to be heard. I found this opportunity especially rewarding because I had nothing but good things to say. Quite often when that happens, those thoughts are kept to ourselves rather than shared. I’d also like to mention that I am close to 70 years old, and the days of renovating furniture are long gone. I will pass my opinions and praise for your products to others.
Take care, be careful and stay safe.
Apr 2, 2023 Colleen Finch
100% All Natural 4 oz Clear & 4oz Dark Antiquing with Original Design Palm Wax Brush Kit - 3 Pack